

Use these REST APIs for performing operations on Property entity associated with your Azure API Management deployment. API Management policies are a powerful capability of the system that allow the publisher to change the behavior of the API through configuration. Policies are a collection of statements that are executed sequentially on the request or response of an API. Policy statements can be constructed using literal text values, policy expressions, and properties. Each API Management service instance has a properties collection of key/value pairs that are global to the service instance. These properties can be used to manage constant string values across all API configuration and policies.

Use this page to mock ApiManagementClient in your testing and development.

Run our mock API sample using the open source WireMock library, or in the free edition of WireMock Cloud. You'll have a working API server simulating the behavior of ApiManagementClient, which will allow you to keep building and testing even if the actual API you isn't currently available.

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