BeezUP Merchant API


The REST API of BeezUP system


The REST APIs provide programmatic access to read and write BeezUP data. Basically, with this API you will be able to do everything like you were with your browser on !

The main features are:

  • Register and manage your account
  • Create and manage and share your stores with your friends/co-workers.
  • Import your product catalog and schedule the auto importation
  • Search the channels your want to use
  • Configure your channels for your catalogs to export your product information:
    • cost and general settings
    • category and columns mappings
    • your will be able to create and manage your custom column
    • put in place exlusion filters based on simple conditions on your product data
    • override product values
    • get product vision for a channel catalog scope
  • Analyze and optimize your performance of your catalogs on all yours channels with different type of reportings by day, channel, category and by product.
  • Automatize your optimisation by using rules!
  • And of course… Manage your orders harvested from all your marketplaces:
    • Synchronize your orders in an uniformized way
    • Get the available actions and update the order status
  • …and more!

Authentication credentials

The public API with the base path /v2/public have been put in place to give you an entry point to our system for the user registration, login and lost password. The public API does not require any credentials. We give you the some public list of values and public channels for our public commercial web site

The user API with the base path /v2/user requires a token which is available on this page:

Things to keep in mind

API Rate Limits

  • The BeezUP REST API is limited to 100 calls/minute.

Media type

The default media type for requests and responses is application/json. Where noted, some operations support other content types. If no additional content type is mentioned for a specific operation, then the media type is application/json.

Required content type

The required and default encoding for the request and responses is UTF8.

Required date time format

All our date time are formatted in ISO 8601 format: 2014-06-24T16:25:00Z.

Base URL

The Base URL of the BeezUP API Order Management REST API conforms to the following template.

All URLs returned by the BeezUP API are relative to this base URL, and all requests to the REST API must use this base URL template.

You can test our API on\ You can contact us on gitter, #BeezUP/API

Use this page to mock BeezUP Merchant API in your testing and development.

Run our mock API sample using the open source WireMock library, or in the free edition of WireMock Cloud. You'll have a working API server simulating the behavior of BeezUP Merchant API , which will allow you to keep building and testing even if the actual API you isn't currently available.

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