Climate FieldView Platform APIs


Last Modified: Wed Jan 4 12:47:29 UTC 2023

All endpoints are only accessible via HTTPS.

  • All API endpoints are located at (e.g.

  • The authorization token endpoint is located at


X-Http-Request-Id response header will be returned on every call, successful or not. If you experience an issue with our api and need to contact technical support, please supply the value of the X-Http-Request-Id header along with an approximate time of when the request was made.

Request Limits

When you’re onboarded to Climate’s API platform, your x-api-key is assigned a custom usage plan. Usage plans are unique to each partner and have the following key attributes:

  1. Throttling information

    • burstLimit: Maximum rate limit over a period ranging from 1 second to a few seconds
    • rateLimit: A steady-state rate limit
  2. Quota information

    • Limit: The maximum number of requests that can be made in a given month

When the request rate threshold is exceeded, a 429 response code is returned. Optionally, the Retry-After header may be returned:

Following are examples of rate limit errors:

  1. Rate limit exceeded:

HTTP/1.1 429
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 32

{“message”:“Too Many Requests”}

  1. Quota exhausted:
    HTTP/1.1 429
    Content-Type: application/json
    Content-Length: 29

    {“message”:“Limit Exceeded”}


Pagination is performed via headers. Any request which returns a "results" array may be paginated. The following figure shows how query results are laid out with X-Limit=4 and no filter applied.

  • If there are no results, a response code of 304 will be returned.

  • If the response is the last set of results, a response code of 200 or 206 will be returned.

  • If there are more results, a response code of 206 will be returned.

  • If X-Next-Token is provided in the request headers but the token has expired, a response code of 409 will be returned. This is only applicable for some endpoints; see specific endpoint documentation below.


The page size can be controlled with the X-Limit header. Valid values are 1-100 and defaults to 100.


If the results are paginated, a response header of X-Next-Token will be returned. Use the associated value in the subsequent request (via the X-Next-Token request header) to retrieve the next page. The following sequence diagram shows how to use X-Next-Token to fetch all the records.

Chunked Uploads

Uploads larger than 5MiB (5242880 bytes) must be done in 5MiB chunks (with the exception of the final chunk). Each chunk request MUST contain a Content-Range header specifying the portion of the upload, and a Content-Type header specifying binary content type (application/octet-stream). Range uploads must be contiguous. The maximum upload size is capped at 500MiB (524288000 bytes).

Chunked Downloads

Downloads larger than 5MiB (5242880 bytes) must be done in 1-5MiB chunks (with the exception of the final chunk, which may be less than 1MiB). Each chunk request MUST contain a Range header specifying the requested portion of the download, and an Accept header specifying binary and json content types (application/octet-stream,application/json) or all content types (*/*).


If you need drivers to process agronomic data, download the ADAPT plugin below. We only support the plugin in the Windows environment, minimum is Windows 7 SP1.

For asPlanted, asHarvested and asApplied data:

Sample Test Data

Sample agronomic data:

Sample soil data:

Use this page to mock Climate FieldView Platform APIs in your testing and development.

Run our mock API sample using the open source WireMock library, or in the free edition of WireMock Cloud. You'll have a working API server simulating the behavior of Climate FieldView Platform APIs, which will allow you to keep building and testing even if the actual API you isn't currently available.

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