ContentGroove API



The ContentGroove Developer API enables you to add the power of ContentGroove’s video AI to your own applications and workflows.

Webhooks are a way for ContentGroove to send video information to your application, to update your system and/or trigger other business processes.

You can use Webhooks and the Developer API separately or together.

Getting Started with Webhooks

Using Webhooks

Webhooks, also known as callbacks, are a way for ContentGroove to notify your application as soon as possible after an event has occurred in ContentGroove. For example after a media completes processing, ContentGroove can use a webhook to notify your application with information about the video: Suggested clips, transcription, and so on. You can use the information sent to update your system and/or use the webhook to trigger other business processes.

The webhook request is sent as an HTTP POST containing a payload of JSON-formatted data. For the details of the payload format see the “CALLBACKS” sections below.

When your application receives the webhook request, it must respond with a 200 HTTP status code (success). If a 200 HTTP status code is not returned, ContentGroove will assume that the webhook was not delivered and will retry a limited number of times, using an exponential backoff algorithm.

ContentGroove makes a best effort to attempt to send the webhook at least once. Applications receiving webhooks must tolerate the possibility of a single webhook payload being sent more than once (idempotent behavior). Applications receiving webhooks should tolerate the possibility that a webhook could not be delivered (for example your application was down when delivery was attempted).

Getting Started with the Developer API

  • Sign up for an account at
  • Visit the API Keys page
    • Create a new API Key then copy and save the value.

      ⚠️ IMPORTANT: This API Key is intended only for use on the server side. Be sure never to use a server-side API Key in client-side (web, mobile, or otherwise) code. ⚠️

  • View all available endpoints, and try the API, on our API Reference page

Using the Developer API

  • Create a new media (video or audio) in ContentGroove
    • If the video or audio is available from a URL, you can create a media by providing the source_url parameter. ContentGroove will fetch the video or audio from the URL if possible.
    • Or, you can create a media from a video or audio file which you upload directly to ContentGroove (see File Uploading section below).
  • After the new media is created, at first it will be in a “processing” state. Depending on the size and duration of the video or audio file, it will take some time for processing to complete.
    • You can use ContentGroove Webhooks to be notified immediately when processing has completed. (Details coming soon.)
    • You can also use the API to read the state of the media, to determine if the media has completed processing yet.
  • After the media has completed processing, you can access all of these details about the media:
    • The media name and description
    • The transcription of spoken words
    • Topics and keywords which were discussed in the transcription
    • Suggested video clips are automatically created
  • In addition to the automatically created video clips, you can create more video clips from the media

Response Codes

The following is a comprehensive list of the status codes you may receive while using the ContentGroove API:

  • 200 “Ok”
    • The request was valid
  • 400 “Bad Request
    • This is returned when there was a problem parsing the JSON body of your request if you supplied the ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’ header, or if your request is missing the ‘Content-Type’ header altogether
  • 401 “Unauthorized”
    • This is returned when you are attempting to perform an action on a resource that you are not authorized to do
  • 402 “Payment Required”
  • 404 “Not Found”
    • This is returned when the resource you are trying to view does not exist
  • 429 “Too Many Requests”
    • This is returned when you have performed too many requests within a given period of time
  • 500 “Internal Server Error”
    • This is returned when your request was valid but there was a problem on our end

File Uploading

  • Step 1: Make a GET request to the direct uploads URL endpoint (/api/v1/direct_uploads) to receive an upload URL to upload the file to and an upload id.
  • Step 2: Make a PUT request with the file as the body to the upload URL received in step 1. The response will have a 200 status with no body if the upload is successful.
    curl -T /path/to/file upload_url
  • Step 3: After uploading the file to the upload URL, make a POST request to the create medias endpoint (/api/v1/medias), with the upload id and optionally a name and description for the new media.

    At this time, file uploads are limited to 5gb per file.

Allowed media types


  • Supported: Most common video formats and codecs are supported.
  • Recommended: mp4


  • Supported: aac, mp3, flac, ogg, wav, and wma
  • Recommended: aac


You can use the API Key to authenticate your API requests using any of these methods. (Replace abc123 with your actual API Key.)

  • Request header Authorization: Bearer abc123
  • Request header X-API-KEY: abc123
  • Query parameter api_key=abc123

    ⚠️ IMPORTANT: This API Key is intended only for use on the server side. Be sure never to use a server-side API Key in client-side (web, mobile, or otherwise) code. ⚠️

Link to openapi.json spec

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