You can use the CORE API to access the resources harvested and enriched by CORE. If you encounter any problems with the API, please report them to us.
The API is organised by resource type. The resources are articles, journals and repositories and are represented using JSON data format. Furthermore, each resource has a list of methods. The API also provides two global methods for accessing all resources at once.
Response for each query contains two fields: status and data. In case of an error status, the data field is empty. The data field contains a single object in case the request is for a specific identifier (e.g. CORE ID, CORE repository ID, etc.), or contains a list of objects, for example for search queries. In case of batch requests, the response is an array of objects, each of which contains its own status and data fields. For search queries the response contains an additional field totalHits, which is the total number of items which match the search criteria.
Complex search queries can be used in all of the API search methods. The query can be a simple string or it can be built using terms and operators described in Elasticsearch documentation. The usable field names are title, description, fullText, authors, publisher,,, doi, oai, identifiers (which is a list of article identifiers including OAI, URL, etc.), and year. Some example queries:
title:psychology and AND year:2014
identifiers:"" OR identifiers:""
You can retrieve the harvested items since specific dates using the following queries:
repositoryDocument.metadataUpdated:>2017-03-01 AND repositoryDocument.metadataUpdated:<2017-03-31
For search queries, the results are ordered by relevance score. For batch requests, the results are retrieved in the order of the requests.
The API methods allow different parameters to be passed. Additionally, there is an API key parameter which is common to all API methods. For all API methods the API key can be provided either as a query parameter or in the request header. If the API key is not provided, the API will return HTTP 401 error. You can register for an API key here.
Use this page to mock CORE API v2 in your testing and development.
Run our mock API sample using the open source WireMock library, or in the free edition of WireMock Cloud. You'll have a working API server simulating the behavior of CORE API v2, which will allow you to keep building and testing even if the actual API you isn't currently available.