
The Docker DVP Data API allows Docker Verified Publishers to view image pull analytics data for their namespaces. Analytics data can be retrieved as raw data, or in a summary format.

Summary data

In your summary data CSV, you will have access to the data points listed below. You can request summary data for a complete week (Monday through Sunday) or for a complete month (available on the first day of the following month).

There are two levels of summary data:

  • Repository-level, a summary of every namespace and repository
  • Tag- or digest-level, a summary of every namespace, repository, and reference (tag or digest)

The summary data formats contain the following data points:

  • Unique IP address count
  • Pulls by tag count
  • Pulls by digest count
  • Version check count

Raw data

In your raw data CSV you will have access to the data points listed below. You can request raw data for a complete week (Monday through Sunday) or for a complete month (available on the first day of the following month). Note: each action is represented as a single row.

  • Type (industry)
  • Host (cloud provider)
  • Country (geolocation)
  • Timestamp
  • Namespace
  • Repository
  • Reference (digest is always included, tag is provided when available)
  • HTTP request method
  • Action, one of the following:
    • Pull by tag
    • Pull by digest
    • Version check
  • User-Agent

Use this page to mock DVP Data API in your testing and development.

Run our mock API sample using the open source WireMock library, or in the free edition of WireMock Cloud. You'll have a working API server simulating the behavior of DVP Data API, which will allow you to keep building and testing even if the actual API you isn't currently available.

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