Logistics API


Note: This is a Limited Release(Limited Release) API available only to select developers approved by business units.

The Logistics API resources offer the following capabilities:

  • shipping_quote – Consolidates into a list a set of live shipping rates, or quotes, from which you can select a rate to ship a package.
  • shipment – Creates a “shipment” for the selected shipping rate.
Call createShippingQuote to get a list of live shipping rates. The rates returned are all valid for a specific time window and all quoted prices are at eBay-negotiated rates.

Select one of the live rates and using its associated rateId, create a “shipment” for the package by calling createFromShippingQuote. Creating a shipment completes an agreement, and the cost of the base service and any added shipping options are summed into the returned totalShippingCost value. This action also generates a shipping label that you can use to ship the package. The total cost of the shipment is incurred when the package is shipped using the supplied shipping label.

Important! Sellers must set up a payment method via their eBay account before they can use the methods in this API to create a shipment and the associated shipping label.

Use this page to mock Logistics API in your testing and development.

Run our mock API sample using the open source WireMock library, or in the free edition of WireMock Cloud. You'll have a working API server simulating the behavior of Logistics API, which will allow you to keep building and testing even if the actual API you isn't currently available.

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