Enode API


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The Enode API is designed to make smart charging applications easy to develop. We provide an abstraction layer that reduces the complexity when extracting vehicle data and sending commands to vehicles from a variety of manufacturers.

The API has a RESTful architecture and utilizes OAuth2 authorization.

We are always available to handle any issues or just answer your questions. Feel free to reach out on post@enode.io

Registration for API access

In order to use the API you will need a client_id and client_secret. Please contact us if you are interested in using our API in production, and we will provide these credentials.


Vehicle / hardware access via the Enode API is granted to your application by the User in a standard OAuth Authorization Code flow.

The authorization scheme documented here is the recommended approach for most situations. However, it is also possible to user other OAuth flows, non-confidential clients, and temporary users. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your use-case or the integration of your existing infrastructure.

Preparation: Configure your OAuth client

Because Enode API implements the OAuth 2.0 spec completely and without modifications, you can avoid rolling your own OAuth client implementation and instead use a well-supported and battle-tested implementation. This is strongly recommended. Information on available OAuth clients for many languages is available here

To configure your chosen OAuth client, you will need these details:

  • Your client_id
  • Your client_secret
  • Authorization URL: https://link.test.enode.io/oauth2/auth
  • Token URL: https://link.test.enode.io/oauth2/token
// Node.js + openid-client example
const enodeIssuer = await Issuer.discover('https://link.test.enode.io');
const client = new enodeIssuer.Client({
  client_id: 'xyz',
  client_secret: 'shhhhh',
  redirect_uris: ['http://localhost:5000/callback'],
  response_types: ['code'],

Preparation: Obtain a client access token via OAuth Client Credentials Grant

Your OAuth client will have a method for using the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant to obtain an access token.

// Node.js + openid-client example
const clientAccessToken = await client.grant({grant_type: "client_credentials"});

This access token belongs to your client and is used for administrative actions, such as the next step.

This token should be cached by your server and reused until it expires, at which point your server should request a new one.

When your User indicates that they want to connect their hardware to your app, your server must call Link User to generate an Enode Link session for your User. The User ID can be any string that uniquely identifies the User, but it is recommended that you use the primary key by which you identify the User within your application.

Example Request:

POST /users/{userId}/link HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
  "forceLanguage": "nb-NO",
  "vendor": "Tesla",

Example Response:

    "linkState": "ZjE2MzMxMGFiYmU4MzcxOTU1ZmRjMTU5NGU2ZmE4YTU3NjViMzIwY2YzNG",

The returned linkState must be stored by your server, attached to the session of the authenticated user for which it was generated.

Your OAuth client will provide a method to construct an authorization URL for your user. That method will require these details:

  • Redirect URI - The URI to which your user should be redirected when the Oauth flow completes
  • Scope - The OAuth scope(s) you wish to request access to (see list of valid values here)
  • State - The value of linkState from the request above

To launch the OAuth flow, send your user to the authorization URL constructed by your OAuth client. This can be done in an embedded webview within a native iOS/Android app, or in the system’s default browser.

// Node.js + openid-client + express example

// Construct an OAuth authorization URL
const authorizationUrl = client.authorizationUrl({
  scope: "offline_access all",
  state: linkState

// Redirect user to authorization URL

In the Link UI webapp the user will follow 3 steps:

  1. Choose their hardware from a list of supported manufacturers (EVs and charging boxes). For certain EV makes it will be necessary to also select a charge box.
  2. For each selection, the user will be presented with the login screen for that particular hardware. The user must successfully log in.
  3. A summary of the requested scopes will be presented to the user. The user must choose whether to grant access to your application.

Step 3. OAuth flow concludes with a callback

When the user has completed their interactions, they will be redirected to the Redirect URI you provided in Step 1, with various metadata appended as query parameters.

Your OAuth client will have a method to parse and validate that metadata, and fetch the granted access and refresh tokens.

Among that metadata will be a state value - you must verify that it is equal to the linkState value persisted in Step 1, as a countermeasure against CSRF attacks.

// Node.js + openid-client + express example

// Fetch linkState from user session
const linkState = get(req, 'session.linkState');

// Parse relevant parameters from request URL
const params = client.callbackParams(req);

// Exchange authorization code for access and refresh tokens
// In this example, openid-client does the linkState validation check for us
const tokenSet = await client.oauthCallback('http://localhost:5000/callback', params, {state: linkState})

With the access token in hand, you can now access resources on behalf of the user.

Errors And Problems

OAuth Authorization Request

When the User has completed the process of allowing/denying access in Enode Link, they will be redirected to your configured redirect URI. If something has gone wrong, query parameters error and error_description will be set as documented in Section of the OAuth 2.0 spec:

invalid_requestThe request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed.
unauthorized_clientThe client is not authorized to request an authorization code using this method.
access_deniedThe resource owner or authorization server denied the request.
unsupported_response_typeThe authorization server does not support obtaining an authorization code using this method.
invalid_scopeThe requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed.
server_errorThe authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
temporarily_unavailableThe authorization server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server



Errors when accessing a User’s resources

When using an access_token to access a User’s resources, the following HTTP Status Codes in the 4XX range may be encountered:

HTTP Status CodeExplanation
400 Bad RequestThe request payload has failed schema validation / parsing
401 UnauthorizedAuthentication details are missing or invalid
403 ForbiddenAuthentication succeeded, but the authenticated user doesn’t have access to the resource
404 Not FoundA non-existent resource is requested
429 Too Many RequestsRate limiting by the vendor has prevented us from completing the request

In all cases, an RFC7807 Problem Details body is returned to aid in debugging.


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/problem+json
  "type": "https://docs.enode.io/problems/payload-validation-error",
  "title": "Payload validation failed",
  "detail": "\"authorizationRequest.scope\" is required",

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