Spinitron v2 API



Tutorial demo using this API is at https://spinitron.com/v2-api-demo/. For web integration using iframes and/or JavaScript instead of an API, see https://spinitron.github.io/v2-web-integration/.

Your API key is found in the Spinitron web app. Log in to Spinitron and go to Automation & API in the Admin menu.

Authenticate by presenting your API key using either HTTP Bearer Authorization (preferred)

curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOURAPIKEY' 'https://spinitron.com/api/spins'

or in the query parameter access-token (less secure owing to webserver log files)

curl 'https://spinitron.com/api/spins?access-token=YOURAPIKEY'

Limit per page of results is 20 by default and miximally 200.

Try it out below works to generate example cURL requests but not to get responses from Spinitron. We do not accept queries sent from web browsers. Copy-paste the cURL commands and run them from your computer.

Cache the data you get from the API if you are using it in web or mobile integration. It’s not ok to query the API on every page request you serve. The demo shows how easy it can be to implement a file cache.

An extension to this API with access to all stations for partner applications is available. Contact us.

Use this page to mock Spinitron v2 API in your testing and development.

Run our mock API sample using the open source WireMock library, or in the free edition of WireMock Cloud. You'll have a working API server simulating the behavior of Spinitron v2 API, which will allow you to keep building and testing even if the actual API you isn't currently available.

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