Catalog API - Seller Portal


With the Catalog API for Seller Portal, you will be able to create, edit and consult products and their variations, brands, and categories.

This API is part of the Seller Portal Catalog. This functionality is in the Beta stage and can be discontinued at any moment at VTEX’s discretion. VTEX will not be responsible for any instabilities caused by its use or discontinuity. If you have any questions, please contact our Support Center.



GET Get Product by ID PUT Update Product GET Get Product Description by Product ID PUT Update Product Description by Product ID GET Get Product by external ID, SKU ID, SKU external ID or slug POST Create Product


GET Search for SKU GET Get List of SKUs


GET Get List of Brands POST Create a Brand GET Get Brand by ID PUT Update Brand


GET Get Category Tree PUT Update Category Tree GET Get Category by ID POST Create a Category

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