Marketplace API


The Marketplace API enables marketplaces and sellers hosted on VTEX to perform their collaborative operations.

⚠️ The marketplace must create an appKey and appToken for each non-VTEX seller that will use this API.



Endpoints used by sellers to notify marketplaces that the price or inventory language has changed for one of their SKUs.

POST Notify marketplace of price update

POST Notify marketplace of inventory update


Get Suggestions

Search and filter all suggestions using specific criteria.

GET Get all SKU Suggestions

GET Get SKU Suggestion by ID

Manage Suggestions

Send or delete SKU suggestions from the seller to marketplace.

PUT Send SKU Suggestion

DELETE Delete SKU Suggestion

Get Versions

Search and filter all versions of suggestions, using specific criteria.

GET Get all versions

GET Get version by ID

Match Received SKUs

Match SKU suggestions received in the marketplace.

PUT Match Received SKUs individually

PUT Match Multiple Received SKUs

SKU Approval Settings

Allows marketplaces to configure rules for automatically and manually approving SKUs received from sellers.

GETGet autoApprove Status in Account Settings

PUTActivate autoApprove in Marketplace’s Account

GETGet Account’s Approval Settings

PUTSave Account’s Approval Settings

GETGet Seller’s Approval Settings

PUTSave Seller’s Approval Settings

PUTActivate autoApprove Setting for a Seller

Matched Offers

Offers are seller products and SKUs that were sent to the marketplace, and already have their price and inventory level configured.

GETGet Matched Offers List

GETGet Matched Offer’s Data by SKU ID

GETGet Matched Offer’s Data by Product ID

Use this page to mock Marketplace API in your testing and development.

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