Marketplace Protocol


The Marketplace Protocol is a set of API requests and definitions to help you integrate external sellers into a VTEX marketplace as well as external marketplaces into VTEX sellers.

External Seller

Here you will find the endpoints involved in the integration between a VTEX marketplace and an external seller. Note that some of these requests are typically sent by the seller while others are received.

Fulfillment simulationMarketplaceSeller
Order placementMarketplaceSeller
Authorize fulfillmentMarketplaceSeller
Marketplace order cancellationMarketplaceSeller
Send invoiceSellerMarketplace
Send tracking informationSellerMarketplace
Update tracking statusSellerMarketplace
Cancel order in marketplaceSellerMarketplace

For a detailed explanation of the steps required to develop a custom connector to sell products from an external seller in your storefront, check out our complete External Seller Integration Guide.

External Marketplace

In this section, you will find the endpoints involved in the VTEX integration between an external marketplace and a VTEX seller.

VTEX Mapper RegistrationExternal marketplaceVTEX system
Send Category Mapping to VTEX MapperExternal marketplaceVTEX system
Authorize fulfillmentMarketplaceSeller
Place fulfillment orderExternal marketplaceVTEX Seller
Authorize dispatch for fulfillment orderExternal marketplaceVTEX Seller

For a detailed explanation of the steps required to develop a custom connector to become an external marketplace for VTEX sellers, check out our complete External Marketplace Integration Guide.

Use this page to mock Marketplace Protocol in your testing and development.

Run our mock API sample using the open source WireMock library, or in the free edition of WireMock Cloud. You'll have a working API server simulating the behavior of Marketplace Protocol, which will allow you to keep building and testing even if the actual API you isn't currently available.

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